Architecture  |  Planning  |  Experience Design


The Bridgeport Intermodal Transportation Center facilitates the interface of six different transportation modes in a single interconnected complex: bus, commuter rail, Amtrak, ferry, water taxi, and taxi. In addition to transportation enhancements, the city’s goals were to leverage public investment in the transportation facilities to spur and attract private investment in adjacent properties This three-phase inter-modal complex includes a new parking facility totaling 1500 spaces (completed), new bus transfer facilities for inter-city and intra-city service (completed), new pedestrian bridge connections (completed), and a new train station for Amtrak intercity service and the Metro North commuter rail service. The transparent train station will present a welcoming face to the city while promoting a network of safe and convenient inter-modal transfers.

A water taxi berth located directly below the new train station accommodates water-borne links to the existing Long Island ferry terminal and a proposed high-speed ferry terminal. Pedestrian links between the facilities allow weather-protected access to new Transit-Oriented Development opposite the train station.

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